ERD Diagrams
Entity-Relationship Diagram for Books “R” Us
Entity Relationship models are referred to as any interrelations between objects in a particular domain. These entities have a special relationship in their co-existence (Chen, et al., 2002).
Design of Database
For Book “R” Us, its database design will follow inclusion of 8 tables that contain multiple attributes. Table one will have the Bookstore, with attributes such as store address and store id number. Notably, the Store Identification number will be a primary key. This will aid in differentiating store sales and inventory. The second table will have the Inventory tab, for breaking out sales. Its attributes will have Item Type as a primary key, the store identification number as the foreign key, and quantity on the hand. Additionally, the next table will have the Book Information Table: Primary key being ISBN. Other attributes include use/new code, publisher name, price tag and author’s name. It is worthwhile that there should be a table to monitor the General Stock Items that the bookstore will be selling. Therefore, this table will have a Product ID number as the Primary Key, product price, and description.
Customer Information Tab will keep up with the sales and pendant internet sales campaign. In this table, we will have the Customer ID as the Primary key and Store ID as the foreign key. Other entries will include, postal address, customer address, phone number and e-mail address. Alternatively, there will be an Order Master Tab, to identify sales information. With attributes such as; Order ID as a primary key, store ID, Customer ID, Postal address and Zip Code, employee ID and the Invoice ID as foreign keys. Lastly, the end table will have Employee’s Information where the employee ID will be the primary key containing the first and last name, phone number, address, email address, zip code and the date of hire. The Entity-Relationship table will look as follows:
ERD Model

Chen, Y., Chen, P. P. & Chen, G., 2002. Global e-Business, Franchising, and Multi-Language Entity-Relationship Diagrams. s.l., s.n., pp. 23-26.
Hungerford, B., Hevner, A. & Collins, R., 2004. Reviewing Software Diagrams: A Cognitive Study. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(2), pp. 82-96.