Magnetism: A Concept Map
Identify the five components of magnetism and the forces of magnetism associated with each one.
Create a concept map using magnetism as your key concept.
• Show the relationship between the qualities specified by the magnetism designation and benchmarking strategies within evidence based practice models.
Note. Points are awarded based on the quality of the content submitted and the degree to which assignment expectations are met.
7 points possible Points possible Points earned
Identifies each of the five components of magnetism 1
Provides a description of each component of magnetism 1
Identifies the 14 forces of magnetism 1
Explains which forces are associated with each component of magnetism 1
Provides a paragraph describing how each component and its associated forces influence evidence-based leadership in an organization 1.5
Provides 2 examples of each component and its associated forces and how they influence patient care in a health care organization 1.5
2 point possible Points possible Points earned
Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation 2
Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
Magnetism: A Concept Map
In the nursing fraternity, magnetism encompasses five components that encompass at least 14 forces within its framework (Messmer & Trukel, 2010). These include;
- Component of transformational leadership which entails the quality of nursing leadership and the management style
- Component of structural empowerment perspective which entails the image of a nurse, the organizational structure, staff policies, healthcare organization, personnel programs, and professional development forces (cite).
- Component of new technology, improvement as well as novel knowledge.
- Component of excellent professional practice.
- Component of the experiential quality outcome. (Messmer & Trukel, 2010)
Concept Map of Nursing Leadership Magnetism

Transformational Leadership
According to Huber (2013), a nurse must possess a visionary, strong, risk-taking, premeditated traits for the accomplishment of being a transformative leader, hence, quality of nursing leadership. Additionally, nursing leadership must create an environment in which the healthcare organization’s personnel can participate in the practical and efficient provision of care. The quality of nursing leadership has a are characterized by forces that affect the performance of workers. Workers will depict higher levels of productivity when motivated and treated equally. An example of transformational leadership in nursing stipulates that a nurse is responsible for creating a sound financial management model as well as a significant nursing experience to motivate employees.
Structural Empowerment
Within structural empowerment component, the forces of magnetism entail; autonomy, nurses as educators, the image of a nurse, staff policies, professional frameworks, healthcare organizations, the structure of the organization and the interdisciplinary relations. According to Kelly (2011), it is suggested that the structural nature of the organization defines the relationship among the different subjects in the care system, the community, and the care facilities. An example of structural empowerment component includes nurses holding meetings to raise concern on their experiences and solving problems within the community.
Professional Practice
Under this component, then forces of magnetism entail autonomy, interdisciplinary relations, image, and the professional development of nurses. As such, Messmer and Trukel, (2010) suggest that evidence-based leadership is a necessity in the development of exceptional nursing practice through the development of professional care models for better care outcomes as well as continuous improvements (Messmer & Trukel, 2010). An excellent example of professional practice is the aspect of nurse collaboration for better care outcomes. Also, this component helps in the awareness of current issues and practice.
New Technology, Improvement, and Novel Knowledge
The primary forces of magnetism within this framework include professional development, management style, quality improvement and image of nursing. As such, nurses must be able to improve both their profession as well as their services to cope up with growing demand for care. Additionally, the nurse must always train to enhance their professional status coupled with additional skills and knowledge for the betterment of care outcomes (Johansson, Fogelberg-Dahm, & Wadensten, 2010)
Experiential Quality Outcome
forces of magnetism within this component include an image of nursing, quality improvement, quality care, and personnel
policies. Evidence-based leadership entails a
concrete support of the use and development of empirical outcomes.
Leadership encompasses upholding policies as well as procedures for the highest
level of quality care. Such procedures
are important in the line of care such as
record keeping.
Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Johansson, B., Fogelberg-Dahm, M., & Wadensten, B. (2010). Evidence-based practice: The importance of education and leadership. Journal Of Nursing Management, 18(1), 70-77.
Kelly, P. (2011). Nursing leadership & management. New York: Cengage learning.
Messmer, P. R., & Trukel, M. C. (2010). Magnetism and the nursing workforce. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 28(1), 233-252.