Afas Hip-hop Cinema Essay
Afas Hip-hop Cinema
Pick one of the fictional films, Do the Right Thing or Beat Street, and explain how it relates to issues in the documentary you chose — as an example how Beat Street defies or (does not defy) a specific stereotypes mentioned in Classified X or relates to social issues regarding lack of opportunity as mentioned in a writing. (This is just one example; you can develop others.) You must identify at least one specific scene/dialog/action from the film to support your connection.
In other words: Watch the documentary or read the article. What seems the most significant idea/aspect to you? Quote from your source and relate it to information in other readings and one new research item. Apply the analytical/theoretical concept to a fiction film from the module.
Afas Hip-hop Cinema
To several individuals, true love has been well-thought-out as a fairy tale. However, the documentaries have illustrated a strong belief in true love. Many people tend to view true love differently depending on their experiences such as bad relationships. Their experiences have manifested a critical view on the meaning of true love, case in point when an individual is hurt in a given relationship, he or she will change his thoughts about the meaning of love. Hip Hop genre of music conventionally passes messages on true love. Therefore, my thesis follows that true love does exist. Hip Hop genre clearly supports this argument since most of the songs are love songs, typically mentioning of love is frequent.
Love does not discriminate (Collins and Dulmen 84). People tend undoubtedly fall in love with others from different races, ethnicity, class, religion and geographical locations. Notably, love does consider personalities in people. In the film Romeo and Juliet, it clearly proves that true love exists. The fact that Romeo was no match for Juliet regarding the family differences did not halt the two from falling in love with each other. The conflicts between their families did not alter the feelings that Romeo and Juliet had for each other (Luhrmann). Rather, it made the love between them stronger.
Love entails sacrifice (Collins and Dulmen 72). Evidently, people have to make necessary sacrifices for the one they love. Most of the sacrifices include time, materials and attention. Romeo had to make it look like he was betraying his family, as a form of sacrifice, just to be with Juliet. Also, Juliet had to escape his father’s castle just to spend time with Romeo. In the film, both characters betrayed their families’ in the name of love as the two families were rivals. Secondly, love required one to be a risk-taker and focused(cite). People tend to acts that are not normal in the name of love. These acts mostly come out of their imaginations. As witnessed in the movie, the moment Romeo found out that he was in love with Juliet, he was dazed. This situation made the two lovers to be focused on the main objective of staying together as lovers. Sneaking into the palace was a huge risk that Romeo undertook just to be with Juliet.
Additionally, love has no class and does not discriminate. Individuals emotions of loving someone does not base on any variable such as race, physical appearance, or religion. These two lovers came from rival families. In the film, it is apparent that the clothing style for the two families was entirely different. Such differences did not hinder them from loving each other. Also, it is obvious that the standards of living for both families were different and did not alter them from falling in love. Romeo stayed with his mother in a local setting while Juliet lived in the Palace with his father on her toes.
Furthermore, love is peaceful (Collins and Dulmen 80). When true love exists between two people, they will always be at peace with each other. It is clear that the two families were in conflicts, but when Juliet and Romeo met on the field they could play along with each other, and they were happy. True love created co-existence between the two lovers despite their family differences. Also, it is noted from the film that when the two families were attacked and they fought together to victory, they realized that true love could make rivals co-exist in peace.
Conclusively, it is imperative to understand that true love brings more benefits than disadvantages. The nature of love being peaceful makes it a device to make people
co-exist in a community that has conflicts. This peaceful nature of love acts
as a gateway to unite communities and in turn,
opens the door to investors into our
societies as well as other countrymen. Therefore, it is factual to conclude that
love true love exists.
Works Cited
Collins, W. Andrew and Manfred van Dulmen. “”THE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE (S)…” Origins and pathways in the development of romantic relationships.” Crouter. 2015. 63-86.
Romeo + Juliet. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Leonard DiCaprio and Claire Danes. 20th Century Fox; Paramount Pictures; Columbia Pictures. 1996.
Smelser, Neil J. and Erik Erikson. Themes of Work and Love in Adulthood. Massachusetts: Havard University Press, 1980.