Criminal Justice in Maryland State Help.
Criminal Justice in Maryland State
Create a detailed report that will be presented to a local city council, for your city. If you are unable to find local information, select your state capitol.
Using statistical data on your state’s crime rates for the most recent year—including mean, median, and mode—create a report to be presented to your local city council containing the following information in a bar or pie chart:
Part I violent crime (4 specific types)
Part I property crime (4 specific types)
Calls for service
Clearance rates
Arrest rates
Number of police officers per population
Gender and racial composition of police department and composition of city as a percentage
Recidivism rate for individuals on probation
Recidivism rate for individuals on parole
Use the following links for examples and help creating charts:
Click here for examples of analytical trends and charts.
Click here for examples of evaluation and assessment reports and charts.
Click here for help creating charts.
Criminal Justice in Maryland State
Representation of data in a bar graph and pie chart
The following data was obtained from the Maryland State police station on the records of crime reported and justice administration to the victims. The data obtained includes that of violent crime that were reported, arrest rates in the Maryland State, property crime cases that were reported, the rates of recidivism mostly for individuals on parole, the police number, gender and racial composition and the composition of police in the whole city as a percentage, calls for service cases reported, the cases on the rates of recidivism for those individuals who are on probation, clearance rates cases reported in the State, and the total number of police and other law enforcement officers per an individual in the population. The summary table for the data is as shown below:
Number of Violence crime reported | 24982 |
Number of Property crime reported | 82128 |
Number of calls services recorded | 108910 |
Number of clearance rates recorded | 9.98 |
Number of arrest rates in Maryland | 31.15 |
Population total in the State | 37.22 |
Number of gender and racial discrimination cases recorded | 489 |
Number of recidivism on probation cases recorded | 1542 |
Number of recidivism on parole reported | 13187 |
From the above data, the following graphs were obtained which will act as a summary of the data that will be presented to the Maryland State city council:
Mean graph
Pie chart
In Maryland crime value is moved up to help in execution of peace in the whole country. It is essential to utilize revise inconspicuous parts as to directing wrongdoing and violence which are unprotected issues. The nation may assume that there is security change when the information of brutality is had a poor conclusion of thusly neglect to take the sensible easing (Hoagland, 2014). That induces the general open in the nation will keep persisting when there is something that should be possible to diminish the wrongdoings. Correct information can be utilized as a bit of system making and helping approach creators with making suitable undertaking of capital expected that would offer sustenance to security and wrongdoing value.
staggers to be kept away from when the information is correct is finding the
opportunity to be clearly hesitant and not searching for after the security
development which may make the savagery lift once more. The upside of
misquoting the wrongdoing issue is for the association compensates them for the
enormous work done of diminishing the occasions of wrongdoing (David, 2012).
There are moreover focal motivations behind self-get where the examiner
utilizes the cash to overview or outline for their own particular get. Neglect
to organize the taking a gander at in the correct way along these lines
transmitting base information.
David Caplan, C. (March 4, 2012). Criminal justice in Maryland state-US Mastering business challenge. The USA.
Dr. Kevorkian J. (2012). Death punishment on serious crime in the world man’s view New York: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. USA. Tony
Hoaglan (2014). The Criterion used to evaluate crimes America and other developed countries.ppg67