An annotated bibliography is a works cited page of sorts, with one major exception. After you complete the works cited entry, you will write three paragraphs for each source. The first paragraph is a summary of the article. The second paragraph is your evaluation of that source (evaluating the research methodology, the validity, the problems with the argument, the strengths of the argument, etc…). The third paragraph is about how relevant or applicable it is to your essay and how it is relevant.
Annotated Bibliography
Arkorful, Valentina and Abaidoo, Nelly. The role of e-learning, the advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in Higher Education. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(12), 2014, 397-410.
This article assesses both the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. The authors begin by explaining the different forms of e-learning and later on explore the pros and cons of the use of e-learning. The study is reliant on the past studies conducted by other researchers interested in this field. The author therefore assesses material that claim that the strategy is a disadvantage as well as those that claim that the method is an advantage. One of the advantages of the study is its use of both stratified and random sampling. This reduces the chances of bias presented by the use of one methodology. The disadvantage of the study on the other hand is in the failure of the authors to give a stand on the topic. The conclusion is left open to the reader. This article is relevant for essay as it will help support my stand in the topic and thereby make my argument more persuasive.
Gilbert, Brittany. Online learning revealing the benefits and challenges. Education Masters, 103, 2015, 1-32.
This research paper was a quest to find out which option was more appropriate for students, online courses or traditional setups. The author conducted a study where she concluded that the online courses were more beneficial as compared to the traditional setup of physically attending classes. This research study is however limited because the number of participants in the study were very few since they were only 16 students, 8 of whom were undertaking online classes while the rest physically attended classes. The advantage of the methodology used is the combination of questionnaires and observation in the data collection process. This helped eliminate any chances of bias caused by either of the methodologies. The content of the article is relevant for my essay since I can draw meaningful and informed conclusions from the study as well as use it to back up my arguments.
Kirtman, Lisa. Online versus in-class courses: An examination of differences in learning outcomes. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 2009, 103-116
This article focuses its research on finding out if online courses are okay as other researchers have shown in their research studies or if they are a bad way of studying as others have shown in their research studies. The author concludes that undertaking a fully online course is more advantageous as compared to the traditional set up where the students have to be present in a class. One of the advantages of the study was the use of stratified sampling, which served to ensure that the data collected was standardized and thereby easy to analyse. The disadvantages of the study on the other hand is the limited number of participants that the study uses, thus, the results may be biased. The content of the article is relevant to my essay as it will help me develop an argument in favour of the full online courses.
Work Cited
Arkorful, Valentina and Abaidoo, Nelly. The role of e-learning, the advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in Higher Education. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(12), 2014, 397-410.
Gilbert, Brittany. Online learning revealing the benefits and challenges. Education Masters, 103, 2015, 1-32.
Kirtman, Lisa. Online versus in-class courses: An examination of differences in learning outcomes. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 2009, 103-116.