Drinking Among Young People
Purpose: 1 to provide a concise summary of the research methods used in social sciences, particularly in health psychology, and 2) to enable students to be able to read and evaluate research in health psychology. AAHE Standards I (Key Element A, C-F) and II (Key Element, A).
Assignment: Based on the attached article (“Alcohol use and related problems among college students and their non-college friends: the competing roles of personality and peer influence), write a critique using the following criteria. The article is attached in the assignment area.
Evaluation: A number grade will be given for the analysis (total points=10) . Reports will be evaluated on the basis of currency of topic, application and integration of course concepts, organization of paper, spelling and grammar, and originality of analysis. In addition, students will earn higher grades for successfully integrating information from additional sources and/or related articles.
Sample format for Article Critique
Heading: Name, Class, Instructor, Journal Drug-Use related Article Citation
Statement of the Research Problem: Describe the problem as visualized by the authors, the motivation for researching the problem, and the importance of the topic to the profession.
Description of the Research Procedures and Data Analysis : What is the overall research method used by the researchers? Is a research model proposed? Are there any flaws in the research design? Provide a brief summary of the data analysis in your own words.
Conclusions: Are the conclusions justified given the research design adopted and research procedures followed? Have the limitations been correctly recognized and addressed? Assess the soundness of the implications (as described by the authors) of this research for research and practice. Etc..
Summary- Your overall critique based on your understanding of the research: A concise summary of the research critique. Examples- What is your overall critique of the article(s)? What interventions or programs are best for your target populations to address drug use and abuse? (you are not limited to these questions)
Reference: Be sure to cite the article, using APA style of citation, in the Bibliography.
Drinking Among Young People
Drinking alcohol is a major trait among college students. It is evident that they would indulge more in drinking than their peers who do not attend college. College students do feel a sensation by drinking alcohol due to their mentality of exploring new experiences and the risk taking attitude they get from taking more risks every now and then (Quinn & Fromme, 2011).
Reasons for Drinking
Sources of stress and peer influence may be the main motivator of both parties to indulge in drinking but they are not always the case. Some of them are victims of alcohol abuse and they cannot help restraining themselves because of the change in their traits once they start drinking. The characteristics of their drinking may differ from one young person to another with some effects being permanent and other temporary (Quinn & Fromme, 2011). A survey indicated that two out of every five college students take part in heavy drinking intermittently as opposed to the less well studied non-college youth who indulge less in drinking.
The young people in college who take part in drinking alcohol may also do it for psychological reasons since they may be still discovering themselves. They are known to participate in rampant actions from one time to another due to their status differences. The need to feel like another person heavily influences the drinking habits of some of the participating young people. Their drinking habits have also brought together young people of different personalities since they share something in common against all odds (Quinn & Fromme, 2011).
twin surveys used in conducting the research between the two groups have borne
credible results through the critical analysis of the two different groups
involved. The drinking habits have also been used as an indicator of their
personalities. For example, those that drink more than the others are
considered to have more problems than those that drink less and vice versa.
Quinn, P. D., & Fromme, K. (2011). Alcohol use and related problems among college students and their noncollege peers: The competing roles of personality and peer influence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(4), 622–632.