Google Advertising
Instructions: Meet the Players in the New Advertising Food Chain. Blog Post based on this reading : Turow, J. (2011). Chapter 3: A New Advertising Food Chain. The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth. Pp. 65-88.
Each individual blog post MUST include:
1) A list of 5 to 7 key concepts or vocabulary words you found challenging in the reading.
2) A clear and robust definition and an example to demonstrate your comprehension of ONE of these challenging words/concepts (50 words).
3) A short summary of the article (200 words).
4) A brief
5) A question for classroom discussion. Questions can include anything that you want further clarification on? A challenge to something the author has written? A probe for more information? Or anything else that comes to mind. Questions should be open ended no closed questions (50 words).
Google Advertising
Vocabulary and Concepts
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Paid Search
- Cost Per Action/Click
- Purchase Funnel
- Behavioral Targeting
- Agencies are reaching out to individuals due to audience data “buying.”
Definition of Purchase Funnel
A purchase funnel is also referred to as the “consumer decision journey.” Joseph Turow describes it as a stage of multiple phases that individuals take when they buy, from the consciousness of the product choices to action on those choices.
Illustration of a Purchase Funnel
The Diagram illustrates that the purchase funnel has for phases. Awareness encompasses what the customer needs, For example, a customer wants a car. Next step “Interest,” the customer conducts a research on the product, for example, the styles and brands of cars available. “Desire” entails being firmly attached to the product after research. Hear the customer uses phrases that are qualifiers or comparables like, “This car is better than that one.” Lastly, we have “action” where the client has already made a choice to go to the store and complete payment.
The article articulates how the “paid search” business for Google made approximately 2.08 billion dollars from the advertising that appeared next to the search engine feedback. The business was successful because most of the marketers conventionally used the purchase funnel. “Paid search “ business for Google meant that firms could advertise their goods and services through the search engine listings or they could partner with another site by paying each time the company’s ad is clicked on.
“Marketers expected to a better way to connect with customers through the use of Google search by utilizing the search terms of the client‘s interest” (p.66)
Google Search Engine has two components: A paid search and an SEO. SEO optimizes the search with the related website when a customer’s keys in on the search box. Therefore the company on the top list will be accessed more online. Marketers can increase their company’s search results through the creation of sites that are sensitive to Google policies. For example, if Samsung Company wants to appear most times on customers who want High-definition TVs, the firm must contain information that focuses on the HD-TVs. On the other hand “Paid Search” system entails companies bidding on search words so that they can have a right to own the search term. This search term will appear alongside other search results.
Is allowing firms to buy digitalized
data on individuals through the internet search terms he/she makes violation of
privacy rules?
Turow, J. (2011). Chapter 3: A New Advertising Food Chain. The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth. Pp. 65-88.