IMPLEMENTATION of The Code of Conduct
The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM is complete, and this project is nearing completion. Prior to the end of the project, you will need to help UWEAR and PALEDENIM develop and implement code of conduct policies to cover the issues that you have encountered during your work with them.
For each of the 3 situations, discuss the following:
Identify the situation and state why you think that a policy is necessary.
What is the policy that you will establish to help prevent each situation from happening in the future?
For your code of conduct in general, discuss the following:
What reporting and investigative measures will you put into place?
What enforcement and punitive measures will be included?
What type of governing structure will you propose for an ethics committee for UWEAR and PALEDENIM?
The materials found in the MUSE may help you with this assignment such as the audio files Clearer Definitions Needed and Terminating Factors. These files provide real world experience which may help you with this assignment.
A registered company is subject to developing as well as maintaining a code of conducted that has it has documented. As such the code of ethics is based on the firms’ core values, and these values act as guidelines in dictating the mode of behavior within an organization. Through maintenance of the code of ethics, the organization will operate efficiently and successfully[1]. As such, this paper transcends stipulation of the implementation of the code of conduct for the merger, UWEAR-PALEDENIM.
Violation Reporting
As the merger is complete, it would be necessary for an efficient system that reports any form of misconduct or violation. First, it is recommended that every worker must report any apprehensive behavior and/or violation of regulations, code of conduct, and law that the firm has defined and set. As such, workers at the merger will have to report to the management with minimal or no fear of retaliation. As such, the merger will provide a whistleblower department telephone line that employees will feel contented and protected.
Second, the policy will be stipulated to guard employees and address the merger’s pledge to ethical behavior, transparency, and veracity. As such, the merger will not tolerate any form of retaliation geared towards an employee. Evidently, employees who report acts of violation are subject to mistrust by others. As such, this policy will protect them from harassments, threats, and retaliations or penalties. Without these policies, workers at the merger will fear to report any form of violations.
Good Faith
Good Faith at UWEAR-PALEDENIM will entail being honest in reporting cases regarding any form of firm/employee violations, manipulation of internal audits, and dangers of employee’s health and safety. Additionally, good faith will entail one will be punished if he/she will object to or refuse to take part in any policy, activity or company’s practices. Also, the workers will provide information that will aid in investigations about violating laws and regulations.
The company will encourage employees to report cases of discrimination, threats, aggravations, and retaliation. As such the company will offer a memo that stipulates how complaints will be delivered to the management through mail or telephone line specifically for complaints. As such, the company should assure the client that any complaint will be investigated adequately.
Workplace Violence
The company will prohibit any form of workplace violation as stipulated in OSH Act of 1970[2]. As such, all workers will be prohibited from injuring another person, threatening another person, engaging in activities that will cause distress to others and use of vulgar/abusive language. Also, employees will be prohibited to enter the facility with unauthorized weapons or firearms. As such all the threats and injuries should be reported to the respective supervisor or security department.
effective implementation of these policies the company will be able to adhere
to its code of ethics and will help in business success. As such the company
will have to utilize a
Working/Administrative Board governance structure that will be able to create a
plan and set policies.
United States Department of Labor, ‘OSH Act of 1970’ (2004) <> accessed 11 May 2017
AK and others, ‘The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of
Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity’ (2007) 76 Journal of Business
Ethics 17
[1] Amy Klemm Verbos and others, ‘The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity’ (2007) 76 Journal of Business Ethics 17.
[2] United States Department of Labor, ‘OSH Act of 1970’ (2004) <> accessed 11 May 2017.