How to improve employee Engagement in JB HOLDINGS
A good, but intensive, text which you could use for both project modules is: Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2011) Business Research Methods, 3rd Ed, Oxford University Press.
We also suggest
that you refer to the texts below to get a better feeling for the project you
are undertaking and to explore aspects of research methodology in greater
General Research Methods Textbooks:
Saunders, M.,
Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2012) Research Methods for Business
Students (6th Edition), FT/Prentice Hall: London.
Jonathan Wilson, (2010), Essentials of Business Research – A Guide to Doing Your Research Project, Sage Publications Ltd.
Sekeran, U. and Bougie R. (2009), Research Methods for Business: A skill building approach (5th edition), John Wiley & Sons
Zikmund, W.G. and Desarbo (2009), Business Research Method (8th
edition), Cengage South-Western
Qualitative Research Textsbooks:
Paivi Eriksson and Anne Kovalainen, (2011) “Qualitative Methods in
Research”, 1st edition, SAGE Michael D Myers, (2011) Qualitative Research in
Business & Management, SAGE. ISBN: 9781412921664.
You may use ONE of three methods to collect you data:
(1) in-depth interviews OR (2) focus group OR (3)
cognitive mapping.
For in-depth interviews, you must undertake AT LEAST five
individual in-depth interviews of at least 15 minutes duration each.
For focus groups, you must undertake AT LEAST 1 focus group of
5-10 people and of at least 40 minutes duration.
For cognitive mapping, you may undertake mapping with AT LEAST 5
individuals or one group of 5-10 people. The total duration of data collection
should be at least 40 minutes. Important marking criteria will relate to how
well you conduct your data collection, the quality of your data analysis and
how clearly you write up your research.
This will be the final research report. Word length is between
4000- 5000, excluding bibliography and appendices. If conducting interviews
or focus
groups, you MUST include all your transcriptions (typed out) as an appendix.
conducting cognitive mapping, you MUST present your full final cognitive
maps as well as photos of your original mapping as an appendix. We will
be examining this to assess your qualitative data collection technique and the
effectiveness of your analysis.
Executive Summary
Single page of A4 providing overview of project.
Table of Contents
List(s) of Tables/Figures etc.
List of Appendices
Introduction (approximately 250-500 words)
· What are you exploring and why?
· Put the project into context.
· Why is it important to study this topic? Therefore you need to consider what industry, what context and relationship you are exploring the concept of trust.
· Clear identify your research question.
· What are the aims and objectives of the research?
Literature Review (approximately 1000-1500 words)
This section of your dissertation/project identifies and analyses the key literature that has been written on your topic. This might come from textbooks, journal articles and other reports. Please use all your secondary data analysis skill to present a clear section on the previous literature that has been written on the topic. Remember, it is important to look for themes in the literature, not just describe one article after another. Make sure you reference everything clearly and be careful not to plagiarise.
Methodology (approximately 500 words)
How you are going to conduct your research, and why you have chosen these particular methods. This will fundamentally come from your earlier research proposal. However, this will have to be adjusted and edited to fit the flow of this report. You will have to clearly justify which qualitative method you are using and describe how you are using it – the what, when, where, why type questions.
Findings or analysis (approximately 1000-1 500 words)
This is the section where you present your data, the evidence you have collected. You need to show how you have analysed the data. The trick here is to communicate your findings in a clear and interesting way for the client. This can be achieved by using tables, diagrams, quotes from respondents etc.
Conclusions and Recommendations (approximately 1000 words)
This is one of the most important sections. This section is where you add value to your findings; you explain what you have found and why it is important; this would be in light of the Literature Review section. Further, you might recommend a course (or multiple courses) of action. However, these recommendations must be informed by your research, not made up in isolation.
Reference List Create a Reference List of only the sources you have
cited in the body of your report. Please do not include anything that is not in
the body of your report. We tend to use the
Harvard style at Plymouth University.
There is material relating to Harvard referencing on the student
portal, and there are also many helpful web sites.
Any additional material should be placed here. These must be referenced in the main body of your project, and the source acknowledged. They should be in the order they are referred to in your text. You MUST include all your transcriptions (typed out) from your interviews or focus group as an appendix.
Level Descriptors:
First (70%+)
Likely to be characterised by all or most of the following:
– Excellent coverage of relevant issues, highlighting key areas of interest and
drawn from a range of credible sources.
– Logical and coherent throughout.
– Research is clearly presented and appropriate analysis conducted and
– Develops a strong case with good conclusion, providing a convincing argument
and reflecting on the research process.
Likely to display the following characteristics in some or all
– Should cover all key areas of literature but may lack detail in some places
or use less robust sources.
– Logical and coherent throughout, but perhaps a little factual in places or
offering a less well developed argument overall.
– Research methods are clearly explained and some analysis of results is
conducted and discussed.
– Good conclusion builds from analysis.
2.2 (50-59%)
Will typically display some or all of the following
– Focuses on just one key area of literature (or weaker coverage of several key
– Argues the case, although this may not always be consistent and may show
areas of weakness.
– Research methods and analysis of results may be lacking in some areas.
– Conclusion could be rather factual.
3 (40-49%)
Will typically be characterised by some or all of the following:
– Basic factual knowledge of the key areas, perhaps using poor sources from the
– Some attempt at conducting research, but likely to be weak in methodology
and/or analysis.
– Weak argument and conclusion.
Fail (<40%)
Likely to display some or all of the following characteristics:
– Weak and sketchy knowledge, usually using few sources.
– Research typically very weak in all areas.
– Little or no argument and poor conclusion.
Statement of Confidentiality
Thecontents of this research and any other attachments provided are confidential and are targeted to the lecture of this course. The information could be availed to any other person for the purpose of study only as could be authorized by the lecturer. The paper is sent in trust in order to be delivered to the lecture of this unit. Whoever receives the paper by mistake should know that it is unethical to replicate or circulate it. Therefore, if you are not the lecture of this course, please inform the sender of the paper through the phone or email indicated on the paper and hand burn the paper if any to avoid any leakage of its information if any.
My efforts to the paper are great. Though, without the kind support from individuals and the company, my efforts could have been meaningless. I therefore extend my sincere thanks to all that provided their support.
I am highly obligated to JB Holdings Ltd Company management, for their abundant support and supervision and availing much information some of which could be confidential in relation to this project. In addition, I would like to congratulate my parents and members of Wal-Mart Stores for their encouragement and financial support that enabled me complete the project. It is my thankfulness and appreciation to the companies and individuals for providing me their attention and time.
I would also extend my gratitude to the lecturer and colleagues for guiding me in developing this project among many others who contributed to make this project a success.
Executive Summary
Employee engagement is the emotional profound that an employee has towards an organization. Commitment leads to discrete efforts that improve the performance of the business through reduced employee turnover and absenteeism, productivity, growth and customer satisfaction. There are few “engaged” employees in the world with US leading with a 30 percent. Other types of employee engagement are the “not-engaged” employees who have the greatest unused opportunities for improving an organization and the actively disengaged employees who would undermine businesses.
JB Holdings Ltd has a few number of “engaged” employees. The reasons that hinder employee engagement in the company include gender and racial discrimination, poor communication between departments, poor employee involvement in decision-making and lack of support for individual growth and remuneration. However, the organization has some practices that support employee engagement. This includes good customer service and optimism in the future growth of the company and the industry. The company can use several ways to improve its employee engagement. These include holding managers accountable for employee turnover and their degraded morale, learning about employee engagement, providing all tools, and equipment, improving communication in the organization and providing guidelines for recruiting employees fit for the company’s culture and guidelines for retaining employees.
The appropriate research method for such a topic is the focus group, which yields large amounts of information within a short period of time. Focus groups are organized and directed as well as expressive. Furthermore, the focus groups provide depth, nuance, and a range of discussions that could not be provided by the surveys. In addition, the participants are highly stimulated to not only share their own opinions, but also respond to others opinions.
It is recommended
that, the government should engage itself in the management activities in order
to prevent unethical issues that are practiced in the organization. Moreover,
communication is hailed to be important in promoting the employee management as
well as creating a tool that would measure the employee engagement that would
enable the management to measure the progression of engagement among other recommendations.
Table of Contents
1.0 Chapter1: Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.1 Background Information……………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2 Research Problems………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1.3 Research Aim and Objectives………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.4 Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.0 Chapter 2: Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.2 Reasons that Hinder the Growth of Employee Engagement…………………………………… 9
2.3 Factors that drive employee engagement……………………………………………………………. 10
2.4 Ways of Improving Employee Engagement in JB Holdings Ltd……………………………… 11
2.5 Benefits that result from employee engagement…………………………………………………. 13
2.6 Relationship of Concepts……………………………………………………………………………………. 14
2.7 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
2.8 Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
2.9 Summary of the Chapter…………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
3.0 Chapter 3: Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
3.1 Logistics of interviewing……………………………………………………………………………………. 17
3.2 Pilot study…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
3.3 Ethical Considerations……………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
4.0 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion………………………………………………………………….. 20
5.0 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations……………………………………………….. 25
6.0 References………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29
7.0 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32
Engaged employees are scarce all over the world. A global report carried out by Gallup indicates that there are only 13 percent of engaged employees all over the world. The report indicated that New Zealand is one of the countries with highest engaged employees slightly lower than Australia at 23 and 24 percent respectively. However, the two countries have less engaged employees compared to the US that has 30 percent of the engaged employees towards work. These employees always stand apart from their fellow employees who are not engaged and those that are actively disengaged due to the profound engagement that they continually provide to their various roles. The engaged employees willingly go for an extra mile, work with enthusiasm and feel a deep connection towards an organization. Unlike, the engaged employees, the actively disengaged employees would undermine an organization driving customers away or monopolize the managers’ time (Fisher, 2014). Not-engaged employees provide the greatest unused opportunities for improving business performances and opportunities. It is difficult to spot the not-engaged employees because they are not hostile or disruptive like the actively disengaged employees. In addition, the not-engaged employees just work to fulfill their job requirements.
It is critical to study the strategies of improving employee engagement because the greater the employees are improved the higher their performance. The main reasons for improving employee engagement could be divided into two parts. The first benefits are those that an organization gets while the other benefits are those experienced by the employees. An organization could benefit due to raised productivity (Kocherlakota, 2015). Research indicates that there is one engaged employee in every three disengaged employees hence the need to improve employee engagement to reduce this gap. Nevertheless, an organization could reduce employee turnover. Turnover is a symptom of deep employee disengagement between the management and staff (Kocherlakota, 2015). Many reasons that lead to individuals leaving their job are solvable hence the need to improve employee engagement. On the other, hand improving employee engagement would benefit the employees themselves in terms of their health due to lower levels of stress and higher interests. Moreover, the employees’ safety would be improved since engaged employees are less likely to cause an accident. JB Holdings Ltd is among the companies that have a less number of engaged employees.
1.3 Research Aim and Objectives
The main question for the research was as follows: How to improve employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd Company. In my research I explored different ways of improving employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd. The objectives of the study include:
- To find out the reasons that hinder employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd
- Determining Factors that drive employee engagement in the JB Holdings Ltd
- To find out different ways of improving employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd
- To find out the benefits that may result from the improved employee engagement
- To apply one research process in gathering information
Employee commitment is the emotive and heartfelt assurance that an employee has towards an organization in which he/she works at, and its goals. Employee commitment results in the use of discretionary effort by the employees, in all activities related to the organization in which they work. It is important to study different ways of improving employee engagement in order to comprehend how the conduct of the engaged employees affect the service they provide, retention rates, customer satisfaction, loyalty towards customers, productivity, growth and profitability of an organization (Tuna, 2012).
2.0 Chapter 2: Literature Review
The level of engagement attained by the company indicates that there are factors that prohibit further growth that could result to above 90 percent of the employee engagement. The chapter explores the reasons that have prevented the growth of employee engagement in the company. Moreover, the current level of engagement exhibited by the company should not be ignored because it is above most companies in the US and the world at large. Therefore, a study of the factors that result in such a level could also be meaningful in this chapter.
Nevertheless, the chapter also explores on various ways of improving employee engagement in the company, so that the possibility of attaining a higher level of engagement could be attained (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2010). This involves highlighting the measures that the management could put forward to ensure that employees are engaged. Then the chapter also discusses the benefits that result from employee engagement.
2.2 Reasons that Hinder the Growth of Employee Engagement
1. Inadequate Support for Employee Performance and Innovation
The company does not provide enough support for growth of employees in terms of performance and innovation. Employees should be provided with programs that would improve their skills and wellbeing like training or support their children’s education. Additionally, the MBA holders should be rewarded according to their skills in order to encourage innovation (Phillips & Connell, 2011). According to report carried out in 2015, JB Holdings Limited customer services department recorded about 25 percent of employee turnover. The employees claimed of being overworked, limited training, and less competitive packages that make the MBA holders to lose their sense of belonging to the company.
2. Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination may come in different forms including biased salaries, lack of promotion to top positions and could be accompanied with sexual harassment and harsh treatment. In JB Holdings Ltd, women are paid with lower salaries compared to men despite being overworked. This draws away their commitment and their sense of ownership leading to high level of women employee turnover within the company.
3. Racial Discrimination
Despite, high levels of strategies and policies that prohibit gender discrimination in the US, many organizations still exhibit gender imbalances. The government policies are sometimes limited into organizations, but organizations that indicate this behavior is ignorant of the benefits that could arise from gender inclusivity. JB Holdings Ltd indicates some gender bias in which the blacks are also not promoted into top positions and are also underpaid in comparison with their white counterparts.
2.3 Factors that drive employee engagement
1. Optimism towards the Future of the Company and the Industry in General
Despite factors that prohibit growth of employee engagement in JB Holdings, the average employee engagement is due to optimism that employees have towards the future of the company and the industry in general (Major & Hopper, 2013). This accounts for more than 75 percent of employees. The optimism leads to the employee engagement, because the employees feel that they are secure about their jobs in future. These employees suggest that the management for the company is committed in promoting positive work relations between them and employees. Perceptions of the employees on the company’s mission, vision and values is mixed with a majority believing that the company fulfills its mission while about 50 percent do not uphold the company’s values (Fisher, 2014).
2. JB Holdings
Furthermore, JB Holdings Ltd culture in terms of social events, practices and procedures is positive which makes some of its employees feel that they are somehow part of the organization. The company includes all individuals in social activities like sports and other events. Despite that racism arises in some issues, the company has a big space to improve.
3. Leadership The leadership of the company also has a sense of commitment through the support provided to its employees such as organizing social activities and encouraging friendships at places of work. This is indicated by about 68 percent of the employees who are quite positive about the management and the overall direction of the company.
2.4 Ways of Improving Employee Engagement in JB Holdings Ltd
1. Learning about Employee Engagement
The first way of improving the employee engagement is learning about the issue. The management team must learn about employee engagement and understand it (Ellig, 2014). Many companies in the world are aware of the importance of employee engagement but have shallow ideas on how to implement it. Most of the managers on the other hand think that putting pressure on the employees and targets is the better option since they don’t fully understand about the issue.
2. Involve Employees in the Purpose of the Company
Nonetheless, the management should involve every employee towards the purpose of the company. Some JB Holdings Ltd employees feel that they are doing roles that do not fit the company’s mission. For example, the company mission is to be a leader in quality family programming but also engages in different businesses such as publishing, revealed by Hyperion Publishing. In this case, the employees in the publishing business may feel that they are not working towards this mission (Rekha & Devi, 2011). It is the duty for the management to explain to these employees about their role in the company. However, at some point the roles of employees may be connected to the purpose of the company but the connection may not stick to the business.
3. Transparency
The company should also engage in transparency activities. Research indicates that an administration that embraces transparency contributes to more than 90 percent employee happiness. Entrusting employees with sensitive information provides them with a profound investment in the company and enables them to put in place an environment of corporation (Ellig, 2014). JB Holdings Ltd does not fully involve its employees in sensitive matters or engage its employees in decision-making that creates a gap between the management and employee relationships.
4. Improved Communication
JB Holdings Ltd should also sophisticate and improve its communication processes, which should be aimed at improving employee relationship with their managers (Urošević, Milijić, 2012). This should involve feedback strategies that seek to solve the problems facing the employees. The response to the employee issues should be timely so that employees feel highly recognized. More communication channels should also be devolved between heads of departments and their juniors.
2.5 Benefits that result from employee engagement
1. Attraction of more Customers
Whether, in the company or outside the company employees would evangelize on the company’s products and services. Moreover, engaged employees handle customers with great courtesy such that the customers would want to come back another day.
2. Reduced Employee Turnover
The other benefit involves employee satisfaction. Satisfied engaged employees care a lot about the success of the company (Seal, Bogart & Ehrhardt, 2013). They develop a sense of ownership towards the company and thus they are highly committed to the affairs of the company. Productivity of the company is also raised because employee turnover is reduced as well as absenteeism (Dale & Mitiguy, 2013).
3. Improved Innovation
Engaged employees go an extra mile of attaining success both in individual level and in an organization. This would result increase in their potential and abilities. Furthermore, due to the availability of resources, tools, support for improvement of skills and heartfelt desire to work extra mile would encourage innovation within individuals.
Since there are four topics in this chapter there are several concepts in each topic through which the relationship for the concepts under each topic are discussed in separate paragraphs. Inadequate employee support, racial and gender discrimination are related in that both of them reduce the employee morale and their sense of belonging into the company. Racial and gender discrimination both indicate that a group of individuals are disfavored due to their nature that they could not control.
The JB Company culture, leadership and future optimism of the company and the industry are related due to their ability to shape employees commitment towards the company. Leadership is at the core of the other two concepts because leadership develops the culture of a company and also sets the goals of the company.
On the other hand, learning about employee engagement, transparency, improved communication and involving employees in the purpose of the company are related in improving the employee engagement (Kumar & Pansari, 2011). Moreover, both concepts are a function of leadership of the company. Besides, through communication, transparency and involving employees in the purpose of the company could not be attained.
Improved innovation, attraction of new customers and reduced employee turnover are related in that innovation is linked to development of new things and strategies that could lead to attraction of new customers. On the other hand, the reduced employee turnover which indicates how the employees are satisfied promotes innovation and acts as means of attracting new customers.

The framework indicates the factors as discussed in the chapter in the order of importance and chronology. The importance of engaged employees is not included in the framework but are also important.
1. What are the reasons that hinder employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd?
2. How does gender and racial bias hinder employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd?
3. What are the factors that have contributed to the current employee engagement in the company?
4. Does the leadership of JB Holdings Ltd have any effects in the level of employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd?
5. What is the state of the culture of JB Holdings Ltd in relation to employee engagement?
6. How could employee engagement be improved in the JB Holdings Ltd?
7. Does improved communication have any effects to the company?
8. What are the benefits of an engaged employee to the company?
The chapter explores the reasons that have prevented the growth of employee engagement in the company, including racial, gender and partial support for the employees. Moreover, the factors that lead to the higher level of employee engagement in the JB Holdings Ltd have also been explored. These, factors include the enabling culture, good leadership and the future optimism of the industry and company.
Ways of also improving employee engagement have also been discussed in this culture. These include improvement of communication and efficiency among other factors. The importance of the engaged employees has also been explored. The conceptual framework of these concepts has been also developed in the chronology of their importance.
In-depth interviews provide qualitative analysis of information. It is a method that is used to provoke a clear picture in the mind of the participant’s view concerning the topic of study. The interviewee is taken as a proficient person, while the interviewer is perceived as a learner (Gubrium & Holstein, 2010). These interviews are usually carried on a face-to-face scenario and involve one interviewee and one interviewer. However, two interviewees could take part in the interview if security is an issue.
The technique is important because it enables a researcher to know the perceptions of individuals in a better way as compared to other methods like focus groups. In addition, the method is effective in making individuals talk about, familiarities, opinions and their personal sensations. The in-depth interviews also provide an opportunity that researchers gain a deeper understanding on how characters understand the world, through the casual description that the interviewees provide on what they believe and how they link them into certain occasions and phenomena. Nevertheless, the technique is useful in addressing sensitive matters that a person would not be free at discussing it among many people.
What would I do as an Interviewer? As an interviewer I would have to prepare for the interview by recruiting those who would take part in the interview according to the set policies. In addition, I would set up footage equipment and the venue for the interviews. Nonetheless, I would be conversant with the topic under study and be trustworthy by managing time well.
The other responsibility that I would do involves, interviewing participants exhaustively, through acquiring the informed consent from the interviewees before the interview and answering all the questions in the interview manual (Wang, Dong & Luo, 2015). Moreover, I would ask the follow-up questions in order to gain all the participants information and experience for the research topic. Moreover, the other responsibility is to document the interview through recording using audio or video recorders.
How would I enroll people to be interviewed? Enrolling individuals for the interview is a problem because the interview involves the vulnerable groups who have fears, misinformation, and many movements. I would list down the strategies and policies that would be used in enrolling the interviewees, which could be revised in the real interview according to the situation. I consulted the localities while creating the recruitment policy.
Where would I conduct the meeting? The in-depth interviews are carried in a secluded place, which increases the participant’s confidentiality and safety. Although it is hard to find a place for the interview, I would rent a place that is conducive for the interview. In case of interview in the community I would look for suitable places on the basis of ad hoc. It is necessary to consider the gender issues while selecting the location for the interview.
How would I be presentable to the participles? The interviewee is always keen at observing the impression of the interviewer in the first meeting. The interviewee focuses on the manner with which the interviewer greets him/she or how he/she talks, behaves and wears his/her clothes.
What would I say during the interview? I would use open-ended questions to conduct the interview to avoid one-word answers. The questions should be included in the question guide that is created before the interviewing process.
The pilot study is a small-scale trial run on the actual experiment. It is important at examining the defects that the interview contains and allows the estimation of the actual time scale as well as ensures clarity for instructions required. The following are the issues that are in the paper in the pilot format.
- To find out the reasons that hinder employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd
- Determining Factors that drive employee engagement in the JB Holdings Ltd
- To find out different ways of improving employee engagement in JB Holdings Ltd
- To find out the benefits that may result from the improved employee engagement
- To apply one research process in gathering information
How should I clarify the aim of the interview? I should explain the aim of the interview in an open and truthful way of the objectives of study and their impact on the participant and the community. An interviewer should not use tricks in obtaining the information from the interviewee.
What should I suggest concerning confidentiality? I should understand the procedure for protecting the privacy for participants. It should also be appropriate to connect the participant to the officials of the research process to increase their confidentiality.
4.0 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion
TABLE 1: Table for JB Holdings Ltd for overall level of employee satisfaction (http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/company-report.j_b_holdings_group_inc.b41348806e96e269.html)
Frequency | Percent | |||
Valid | Administration | 8 | 18.2 | |
Customer Service | 5 | 11.4 | ||
Electric and Maintenance | 9 | 20.5 | ||
Water and sewer distribution | 5 | 11.4 | ||
Waste water Treatment and Water Treatment | 7 | 15.9 | ||
SCADA | 3 | 6.8 | ||
No Department | 7 | 15.9 | ||
Total | 44 | 100 | ||
This data was provided through research for the JB Holdings Ltd in 2016. The research involved a total of 44 individuals however an interview for three employees and two supervisors are provided. The survey addresses the overall level of satisfaction among the different employees in the JB Holdings Ltd. The table assesses views of employees on different areas of gratification, which involves communication, services provided to customers and other overall job constituents. The table records different views of these employees towards the administration and seeks ideas for improving. Feedback was the worst achieved sector in the company that the organization needed to change according to most of the respondents.
The in-depth method was used to perform the survey in which the 44 employees were received. The technique was targeting the research question on how to improve employee engagement in the JB Holdings Ltd. The method of survey provided a numerical rating for the various job components in which diversity and gender were also accounted for, capturing my thinking and feelings (Cervai, Kekäle, Claxton, 2014).
The method was used because finding out the ways of improving employee engagement is the company is not well considered as a big issue in the business. The method was used because it is able to provide genuine information that requires privacy. Moreover, the questions that I asked could not be answered in written survey. The table below indicates the average scores for the company.
TABLE: 2. Average scores for JB Holdings Ltd categories for employee satisfaction (http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/company-report.j_b_holdings_group_inc.b41348806e96e269.html)
Survey Area | Excellent (5) | Good (4) | Neutral (3+2+1) | Mean 2016 | Mean 2015 | Difference | |||
Overall Company Rating | 11.4 | 61.4 | 27.3 | 3.64 | 3.1 | 0.54 | |||
Overall satisfaction | 13.6 | 52.3 | 34.1 | 3.64 | 3.28 | 0.36 | |||
Job Elements | 16.5 | 33.6 | 49.9 | 3.31 | 2.72 | 0.59 | |||
Communication | 8.4 | 36.1 | 55.6 | 3.04 | 2.39 | 0.65 | |||
Customer Service | 26.7 | 51.2 | 22.1 | 4.00 | 3.75 | 0.25 | |||
Management and Supervision | 2.3 | 36.4 | 61.4 | 2.89 | 1.97 | 0.92 | |||
Direct Supervisor | 15.8 | 37.7 | 46.4 | 3.42 | 2.83 | 0.59 | |||
Average | 13.5 | 44.1 | 42.4 | 3.42 | 2.90 | 0.52 | |||
Customer service was the highest rated in the survey, which is held at 4.00. Administration was lowest at 2.89 and the only one below an average, which is 3.00. The scores in all components of direct supervision are slightly higher with an average rating of 3.42. Basing on the overall satisfaction, there is a moderate level of improved response with an average of 3.00, which is positive in, measured in a scale with 5 units.
TABLE: 3. General Job Elements (http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/company-report.j_b_holdings_group_inc.b41348806e96e269.html)
5 | 4 | 3+2+1 | Mean 2016 | Mean 2015 | Difference | |||
Benefits | 47.5 | 38.5 | 13.5 | 4.30 | 4.13 | 0.14 | ||
Job Security | 29.3 | 38.6 | 31.1 | 3.86 | 3.43 | 0.41 | ||
Salary Wages | 22.5 | 43.1 | 34.1 | 3.66 | 3.20 | 0.45 | ||
Working environment | 14.1 | 46.4 | 39.5 | 3.51 | 2.86 | 0.62 | ||
Supervision | 18.1 | 38.5 | 43.2 | 3.42 | 2.62 | 0.80 | ||
Training | 15.7 | 36.4 | 47.6 | 3.39 | 2.69 | 0.70 | ||
Decision-making opportunities | 13.6 | 40.8 | 45.5 | 3.27 | 2.33 | 0.94 | ||
Policies and procedures | 6.7 | 36.3 | 56.7 | 3.18 | 2.56 | 0.62 | ||
Feel a part of the Company | 13.6 | 20.5 | 65.9 | 3.07 | 2.23 | 0.87 | ||
Opinions sought and Honored | 9.0 | 22.6 | 68.1 | 3.08 | 2.18 | 0.87 | ||
Chance for advancement | 4.4 | 15.8 | 79.4 | 2.50 | 2.35 | 0.13 | ||
Communication | 2.2 | 25.0 | 72.6 | 2.48 | 1.91 | 0.55 | ||
Average | 16.4 | 33.6 | 49.8 | 3.30 | 2.26 | 0.58 | ||
The highly rated job components lie in the benefits section, with a 4.30 level of performance. Furthermore, it is the only element that falls in the excellent category. About half of the respondents chose the excellence for benefits. There was no element that had zero excellent responses indicating varied perceptions for every employee. The average for all elements is at 16.5 percent in 2016, which is an improvement of 4.5 percent in the previous year (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2010).
The participants who were requested to rate the exchange of information at JB Holdings Ltd, which includes communication between the supervisor and the employee, indicated a high mean of 3.48. The exchange of information between departments was low at 2.56. Although the communication score is low, there was no zero response in the excellent level. The average of all the elements of communication that were discussed was about 8.4 percent. The results for 2016 are similar to those of 2015 in the communication category, which show a negative scale, being just above the neutral score.
The customer service for the JB Holdings Ltd is the highest rated with a mean score of 4.00. The rating for thoroughness and product elements of customer service were above half of the total responses. The excellent ratings in the in the communication element is highest for all other categories surveyed.
Direct Supervisor was also rated in in fifteen elements of performance, which include availability of the supervisor, accountability, promotion of safe work environment, interaction with employees, provision of feedback on performance, dealing with poor performance, and many other elements. Direct supervisor ratings are above average with 3.42 score. Out of the fifteen elements only one of them fell below the average (Armstrong, 2012). The scores for the specific supervisor conducts indicate a 0.57 score above the average of all other components.
Improvement category in elements like customer service, ABC environment, administration, overall satisfaction, communication and the feeling of value indicated that about 67 percent of the employee respondents suggest that there is a fair improvement. The customer service tops the improvement list by a 100 percent improvement. The lowest score for improvement component is failure for the company to value its employees. In this case, most of the participants suggest that there is no improvement.
5.0 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
Employee engagement is important both to an organization and the employees themselves. An organization benefits most, in terms of profitability, employee retention, limited absenteeism, improved customer service among others. On the other hand an individual that is engaged to an organization experiences limited stress because of being satisfied and motivated. This improves their health by avoiding stress related diseases. I recommend that organizations educate their employees on the need to engage them with the organization.
The in-depth interviews are appropriate in generating deep information from the participants. Besides, it takes into account the personal feelings the most effective method of research. The method is also useful in discussing important issues that could not be discussed among many people. It is also an ethical technique that recognizes the participants consent before he/she answers the questions.
The results provided by the survey indicate that 2016 has improved more than 2015 in terms of elements that affect employee engagement. All elements surveyed are higher than those of the past year showing a remarkable improvement. A closer observation on the survey indicates that most of the elements that were rated lowest in the previous year are the ones that have improved the most. This indicates that JB Holdings Ltd has done a lot in improving Customer engagement. The research uses a mean score of 3.00 in which anything above it is positive while any scores below it is negative. The year 2016 registers a lot of positive growth in various elements surveyed. The overall company ratings and satisfaction are above the average mark by one and half point.
Communication, which is the second last in the general category, has improved tremendously to above average. Despite that communication between departments and between management and recognition trail at scores below the average, they have indicated an improvement. This indicates that JB Holdings Ltd has put some effort to improve its employee’s engagement through communication, although the level of improvement is slower. Customer, service is the highest rated category, which indicates that most employees have some sense of belonging towards the company. However, this element alone should not be used to rate the employee engagement. Most employees suggested a fair improvement across all categories and elements surveyed. Except for feeling valued in the organization, employee respondents felt that JB Holdings Ltd had a positive improvement. Customer service received an excellent positive response of 100 percent.
I recommend that employee surveys should be conducted on a regular basis in order to assess the growth or progress of improvement in employee engagement related elements. Furthermore the surveys help in examining trends and comparisons in the aforementioned trends.
Nonetheless, I recommend that all business should include employee engagement in their strategies because a business that engages its employees in many activities realizes profitability, reduced employee turnover and absenteeism among other factors that cause a low performance in the business.
Furthermore, I recommend that the government should be involved in the management of companies, in order to prevent the employees against any exploitation by their employer. Gender and racial discrimination are highly prohibited by the government and thus its involvement in businesses that promote such behaviors like JB Holdings Ltd would be forced to quit.
I also recommend that the management should spearhead employee engagement so that managers who are deemed to be less concerned about the issue should be held responsible for failure to enhance employee engagement of for high rates of employee turnover.
Nevertheless, I recommend that every organization develop a tool that measures employee engagement. This tool is important, as it would enable organizations to realize any factors that hamper employee commitment before the employees leave them.
Furthermore, I recommend that managers should use different ways of motivating their employees. JB Holdings Ltd should recognize and reward its employees and thank them regularly for their efforts. Managers should create their awareness about the employee contribution to the business by encouraging them in order to boost their performance. Time should be created to celebrate outstanding performances, rewarding and recognizing employees in a way that is careful in order to avoid discouraging others. Nonetheless, companies should have a people focused culture. Organizations should be aware of the benefits that accrue from the engaged workforce and therefore realize that employees are one of the greatest assets that a company could have.
Finally, at the epitome of all employee engagement initiatives, stands communication. Quality leaders should dedicate their time in investigating factors that motivate their employees and finding out the employee career goals. The managers should provide supportive environment in which employees would feel encouraged to succeed. The best asset for a company is an engaged workforce.
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I used the in-depth technique to gather for the information provided. The following is the interview that I performed on JB Holdings Ltd employees. The interviews are used to seek information relating to the employee engagement and involve the employees and their supervisors.
Respondent: Employee 1
Date: 10/10/2016
Place: ABC Conference Hall
Interview question 1: Do you like the CEO of your company?
Answer1: I do not understand much about him, because I just see him once.
Interview question 2: Do you enjoy the environment around here?
Answer2: Not at all because we are so much busy all the time yet we are not given time to relax. We anxiously wait for evenings to get out of the place.
Interview question 3: Do you think you are paid enough wages?
Answer3: The salaries depend on individuals. Some of us get more salaries while others get lower salaries. We think that ABC should standardize their salaries. Others, especially women and blacks get lower salaries because they are deemed incompetent.
Interview question 4: What do you think about communication effectiveness? Answer 4: The top management does not communicate with us, however the supervisors communicate to us at some times. This makes us to be scared of them because, we do not know what they plan for us. The management just wants us to do the job irrespective of your challenges. They care less about our goals or our abilities. Most of us are here because of salaries.
Respondent: Employee 2
Date: 15/10/2016
Place: ABC Conference Hall
Interview question 1: How long have you worked in the company?
Answer 1: Most of us are new in the company with a few having worked for more than five years. Most of the employees leave the company because they want to improve their abilities or earn more wages. The company pays little but some who have stayed longer have endured for a long time in this company.
Interview question 2: Have ever been engaged towards solving certain issues? Answer 2: The mangers are enough in doing that work; that is what they do. We are just bound by our roles and duties, the management also have their work; making decisions it one of them.
Interview question 3: How long would you work for the company?
Answer 3: We wish that the company paid us a little more cash, so that we would stay here. The company has a future and the industry in general. This encourages us because we feel that our future would be secure in terms of the job. Otherwise, we would not be here.
Interview question 4: Have you been motivated in any manner?
Answer 4: Not at all, because of the poor communication exhibited in the organization. Through communication, we could have good relationship between the management and us.
Interview question 5: Are policies and procedures favorable to you?
Answer 5: Yea to some extend the company’s policies are good. For example the company provides security to our information such that other people could not access it.
Respondent: Employee 3
Date: 20/10/2016
Place: ABC Conference Hall
Interview question 1: Do you understand the strategic goals of JB Holdings Ltd?
Answer 1: I do not understand the strategic goals of the company becauseI am just engaged in my line of work that has a lot of pressure. My supervisor has never informed me either about the goals of the company because the company believes in hard work.
Interview question 2: Do you understand your role in helping the company achieve its goals?
Answer 2: As I told you I am not aware of the company goals and therefore focused in doing my best in order to retain my position. However, I think if I do my best I would enable the company achieve its goals and objectives.
Interview question 3: Are you happy for being the team member?
Answer 3: That is a good question. I am contended with the job because it supports my wellbeing. However, if the company improves communication and support our personal growth, I would happy.
Respondent: Supervisor 1
Date: 24/10/2016
Place: ABC Meeting Room
Interview question 1: How much do supervisory duties impact on the employees’ level of engagement?
Answer 1: JB Holdings Ltd does not engage in duties that engage employees in the functions of the company. The company believes in hard work and that is what has been its culture. However, sometimes we award best performances for employees but that has never happened for a long time.
Interview question 2: What is the difference in engagement between male and female employees?
Answer 2: Male employees are much more committed to their jobs as compared to the female employees. This has resulted to the low pay for the female employees than male employees. Female employees seem to be very much engaged with their families because they leave jobs earlier on report late with reasons to take care of their families.
Respondent: Supervisor 2
Date: 28/10/ 2016
Place: Meeting Room
Interview question 1: How do employees’ years of service affect their engagement?
Answer 1: The more an employee has been working in JB Holdings Ltd the more he/she is engaged because they are aware of the goals of the company. Nevertheless, the more an employee works in the company the more the remuneration.
Interview question 2: How do you motivate employees?
Answer 2: I am friendly to any employee and this increases my relationship with them. However, the top management encourages us to avoid such relationship because they would make the workers lazy.
Interview question 3: Would you like to continue working in the company?
Answer 3: The company is good however the pressure from top management does not match the pay.